They don’t know that
We know they know
We know,
That they are looking.
Silly little humans.
With their lenses and cameras
And clothes camouflaged
They creep close, slowly
Unaware that just like them
We too are watching.
The wise old owl knows
The wise old owl thinks
About them naive humans
And all their theatrics.
Am I just an owl?
Or do I know something more?
Am I just a harmless bird?
Or a spy sent to the shore?
Silly little humans.
Let me give you a hint
Let me give you a clue.
Try to break it
If your caged brain allows you to.
You’ll miss it, if you even blink,
I dare you O human,
To decipher the meaning
Of my wink.

Architta Tayal

Architta Tayal is a final year B.Tech. student and our Advanced photography batch alumni. She is a vivid writer. She found this combination of clicking an interesting picture, and then writing a poem on it, very exciting. See the result.


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