Soliloquy of a bench

In this vast white wilderness I stand all alone With the freezing winds Keeping me company, Frost warming my toes. Earlier when the autumn winds blew, Things were still colorful, The sky still blue, I was acknowledged. Accepted. Humans came and sat and discussed the coming onslaught of winter. “Winter Read more…

Owl says

They don’t know that We know they know We know, That they are looking. Silly little humans. With their lenses and cameras And clothes camouflaged They creep close, slowly Stealthily. Unaware that just like them We too are watching. The wise old owl knows The wise old owl thinks About Read more…


I’ve been the protagonist of many Of their poems and plays I’ve been a thing of beauty And I’ve been a thing of grace Even though I stayed Far far away. Every night I peek from under my blanket Even though the blanket tells me not to It says it’s Read more…